Move To Improve
Movement is the most effective therapy for physical health, mental health, and all-cause mortality. Although, it’s a challenging landscape with more nuance than we ever imagined. We are experts who aim to bridge the gap for ever day people.
Move To Improve
Duff Gipson and Kids sports
Canadian winter Olympian, Skeleton Gold Medalist, Founder of Dark Horse Athletics kids multi sport program, firefighter and family man; Duff Gipson joins us on the show.
He opens up about his passion and vision for kids sport, the problem of early sports specialization, and to reminisces with the infamous Sports Chiropractor Dr. Greg Uchacz about the 2006 Winter Olympic heydays.
Get your kid enthusiastic about fitness and check out Darkhorse Athletics: https://www.darkhorseathletic.ca/
Definitely take a look at Duffs jaw-dropping Gold medal run at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcBd5iKeSDU